Privacy and Legal Statements

Please take a moment to read our statements

Executive Travel Service Privacy and Legal Statements

Privacy Statement:

This privacy statement only covers the website. Any other links within this site to other websites are not covered by this policy and consequently we encourage you to read the Privacy Statements of those other websites when entering their domain.

Executive Travel Service is committed to protecting the privacy of our clients, customers and associates. We totally support the Data Protection Act and for that reason, are registered with the Data Protection Agency. The information we collect from you is only that required by us to provide you with the information or service you have requested and only use it for that purpose.

When you submit your personal details to us as described below you will be deemed to consent to their use by us in the ways indicated.

Personal Information:

To obtain information from Executive Travel Service you may have to provide some personal data including names, addresses, contact telephone numbers, email addresses, travel dates etc. This information collected is for several reasons including:

  • To allow us to contact you to provide the information or service you require
  • To keep you updated of the service you requested
  • To make you aware of any additional services if you allow us
  • To contact you regarding site updates and enhancements should we make any changes that are beneficial to you

Please note that we do not take any payments via our website so no personal data relating to credit or debit card payments are stored as these are processed separately.


Executive Travel Service will not otherwise disclose your personal information to anyone else without your consent except where we believe the law requires it.

Opting Out:

If at anytime you have supplied information via our website, you will be able to opt out from receiving additional information about our services by simply letting us know.


Any changes to the Privacy Statement will be posted on this page so we ask our clients, customers, account holders to visit this page when possible as we are unable to inform you when changes are made.

Legal Statement

Images on our website have been lawfully and legally purchased from, the purpose of this is to give the designers and image owners the payment they deserve. We do not copy any content or images and we would expect the same from you.

Please do not take screen shots or copy any content or images without first consulting us. If there are any images on our site that you or anyone else believes should not be part of our website then please advise us. We will of course take the necessary action if and where appropriate.

Executive Travel Service are a Chauffeur / VIP transportation service and not in any way involved in graphical solutions. We have no reason whatsoever to use any uncopyrighted content or images for our own gain.

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (c. 48)

1988 c. 48continued

Part I – Copyright – continued


Chapter VI


Remedies for Infringement


 Rights and remedies of copyright owner

Infringement actionable by copyright owner.

96. (1) An infringement of copyright is actionable by the copyright owner. (2) In an action for infringement of copyright all such relief by way of damages, injunctions, accounts or otherwise is available to the plaintiff as is available in respect of the infringement of any other property right. (3) This section has effect subject to the following provisions of this Chapter.

Provisions as to damages in infringement action.

97. (1) Where in an action for infringement of copyright it is shown that at the time of the infringement the defendant did not know, and had no reason to believe, that copyright subsisted in the work to which the action relates, the plaintiff is not entitled to damages against him, but without prejudice to any other remedy. (2) The court may in an action for infringement of copyright having regard to all the circumstances, and in particular to (a) the flagrancy of the infringement, and (b) any benefit accruing to the defendant by reason of the infringement, award such additional damages as the justice of the case may require.

Cookie Law:

A new law on cookies demands that you, as a website user, are given the opportunity to understand how cookies are used on our website and consent to cookies being stored on your computer (laptop/mobile/tablet).

Information about cookies can be found at and